Life is really unfair, we can't deny that but even life is unfair, we can make our life better than what we are expecting to be. Our life depends on how we live it. Maybe to others, they always thought of something that is worthless so they can't be happy like others.
WHAT's Important in your life???

you can have all of that if you can afford but to tell you, you don't need all of that things to be happy in life and to be contented.
You just need God, your family and your friends.
You can have you inspiration to make your day a COOL day.
Me, I'm contented with having friends and inspiration in my life. Relationships??? I don't think of having that stuff but why should I always go after always if it will still come someday, in a right place and in the right time???

Somewhere down the Road, your paths will crossed again if it is meant to be, if Destined to be with each other, You wouldn't know how you'd find that person... and grow old until you'll be having white hairs...

this is picture was taken last January 29, 2010, we don't have class so we chose to enjoy the HOLIDAY. from 10am in the morning, playing badminton, and end up in the PLAZA GENERAL SANTOS at 6pm in the evening. We really enjoyed this and this will serve as our one of our memories in our college life.
Treasure your friends for friends are more expensive than the Gold-BadZ