When I was still elementary, my sports was always been badminton. Always badminton, badminton, badminton. I know how to play basketball but badminton is what i always play. When i'm already grade 4,my other 2 bestfriends and me didn't expect that we'll learn about playing volleyball. My one bestfriend, who is a "balikskuwelahan" from hope transferred in dame for 1 year then transfer again to hope, who actually, influenced us to play even we don't know what should be the position of our hands, knees. She always bring her "SOY" volleyball ball, every after class, we always play and play. At that time, in my Alma Mater, there is no volleyball varsities yet, only Basketball. And I'm already grade5 together with my 3bestfriends, we join the volleyball in Intrams. Luckily,we won the game and became the champion and very unexpectedly. After the game, we are all shoked. We have this friendship game in the Notre Dame of Girls, so sad, we loose the game, but it's not a big deal, because, we all know that in every game, there is a winner and a looser but not all the time, winner. Just for an experience. When we are already grade 6, we became the champion again in Intrams and in our P.E , out teacher let us play volleyball versus 3rd yr. high school. We were so nervous because we are just elementary and we'll be playing versus 3rd year high school and its our exam. Luckily, we won the game! When we are already first year, i can still remember, after examinations, we directly go the gym and play volleyball there. We keep on playing even we have exams. When we are first year, we keep on playing still, and sometimes, we are having friendship games versus other schools.
When are already 2nd year, there was already try-out for volleyball girls and boys and we try and we became varsity and also, me and my bestfriends belongs to first 6. We join the zone meet and we reached championship but sadly we didn't win because of lack of practice and its our first time, so our place is just first runner up. And our oppenent are undefeated yet. We join the mayor's cup and we won against our opponent last zone meet, even we don't have any chances to get in the top 4, we are already satisfied becasue the undefeated team, was not undefeated anymore...
My Second Jersey 2006

Badminton Tournament 2007
Dri-Fit Jersey
sponsored by the school

My 5th Jersey 2007
My Third Jersey 2006
Sponsored by: RDFI

Sponsored by: RDFI
Sweater 2006
Sponsored by: secret
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Sponsored by: secret
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When we are already 3rd-year, we have new jersey. We join again the zone meet and finally, we are the champion of the all private schools here in Gensan. We are the ones who play for the Division Meet, and sadly, we didn't belong to top 3. We got a coach for volleyball but its already too late.
Badminton Tournament 2007
Dri-Fit Jersey
Before I enrolled for 4th year high school, I joined Badminton Tournament at big shot last August 29,30,31 2007. We loose. We have 2 wins and 2 looses.
My 4th Volleyball Jersey 2007sponsored by the school
My 5th Jersey 2007
When me and my bestfriends were already 4th year, we still joined the volleyball varsity. We are still the champion in PSBEA (zone meet) and at last, we got to 3rd place in d division meet. And that ends our V-ball life when we are in High school.
My 7th Volleyball Jersey 2008
Engineering Department
Engineering Department
Entering college is not easy like entering high school. I also joined the varsity team n NDDU. Last September was our intrams, and the college of engineering ask me if its alright that i will play for the department. And I sais because, as a volleyball varsity in that school, why would i say no? And the results of the Intrams, we are 3rd place.
My 9th Jersey 2007
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