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a senior taking up BSIT a person who don't want to compete when her opponent is not worth it to be competed

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

too hard, too unpredictable

As we continue our journey in our daily lives, we experienced some challenges that are hard to understand. Some things that we think it's impossible but then it happened. Sometimes, we expect the unexpected.

Mysterious isn't it???

Well, life is really mysterious. Whether we're in the North, South, East, West of the earth.

In my 18 years of living in this small world. I'd never tried to questioned myself, "When can I have a person that I can call mine and a person who'll say she's mine???" While some of my friends are thinking about that but when it comes to myself, I don't care(haha). Maybe, I'm just so dependent that when a time comes,and ask for that "Crazy Lil' Thing" I can easily have one.

When it comes to that "Thing", I am so "choosy" that if I don't feel that person, He'll be sorry.

I was already a freshmen before, when I had think and ask " Is that person will be mine?"
As days goes by, I enjoyed some memories we had and ask, "what is this I'm feeling, i just can't explain?" We know, nothing is perfect in this world, but in that situation, i can't stop myself from thinking and smiling but it havn't end in a SMILING emotion. I've learned a lot in that "UNEXPECTED"(haha).

Now, I'm already a sophomore, I think and asked myself again the same question when I'm still freshmen but different person. When I see him, I keep on giving him a smile. It just happened very fast that we see each other almost everyday before the resume of the classes.

Honestly, i can't hardly understand what am I feeling right now, I don't like to be texting for whole day, I just want he'll keep on texting me and let me feel that he's there always. I just reply seldomly, but I hope, he would never think that I don't like.

I know,he's missing me right now. and I also missing him right now.

it's too hard because it's unpredictable....
We'll never know it might end tonight, later ,tomorrow, etc.

"I do things, not to let myself expect but I do things, not to regret.
Regrets last forever."- BadZ


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