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a senior taking up BSIT a person who don't want to compete when her opponent is not worth it to be competed

Friday, March 23, 2012

Happy & Sad

These days have been tough for me. I couldn't explain why, I already finished my studies and graduated last saturday March 17, 2012.

I Am already a graduate and it's time to face a new beginning. Marching knowing my mom and my sis are on the bleachers, but I am thinking of my father. I can imagine my father's smile on his face, the excitement that he feels after the ceremony but sadly he's not physically around. Missing him makes me weak, and I can't stop missing him coz' I am a papa's bratt girl. It's so much hard for me to continue daily lives without him, without an outlet, without your bestfriend.

I just can't think of a reason, that i'll be the first one to graduate as an eldest daughter and my mom is thinking to work first during my graduation day. All my life, work Is already her priority.

I don't have any choice but to accept it. Well, life must go on in order to make my life a better one... Sometimes, it is on our hands, decisions that are made. We have the choice.


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